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Speak Out Against Rwanda

Swansea City of Sanctuary supporters joined the Speak Out against Rwanda organised by Swansea Stand Up To Racism in the city centre on Saturday, 25th May. The inhumane scheme to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda instead of giving them sanctuary in the UK is currently on ice due to the upcoming election. However, it remains important to continue campaigning against any plane with unwilling passengers ever leaving for Rwanda from the UK and also for the repeal of the Safety of Rwanda Act.

We listened to speeches by Sioned Williams AS/MS; Libby Nolan, President of UNISON; Peter Jones of the Green Party; Emyr Evans, Plaid Cymru councillor for Pembrey and Burry Port; Anne Wood from Stand Up to Racism; and Jose Hernan Cifuentes and Otis Bolamu, refugees from Chile and DR Congo, respectively, and familiar faces to all in SCoS.

Standing with the SCoS banner, it was heartening to have shoppers and passers-by, both young and old, come up to us to express their indignation about the Rwanda scheme and their support for Swansea as a place of welcome for asylum seekers and refugees. We were also delighted to have a photo opportunity with Sioned Williams, who consistently speaks out so eloquently inside and outside the Senedd on behalf of sanctuary seekers.

Blog written by Krys Williams