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The First Step

The first step in your support for City of Sanctuary is to pass a resolution of support and to send it to the City of Sanctuary Group. Please specify as to whether you wish to become a Member or Pledged Supporter. We have suggested a form of words below. Feel free to vary this!

You don’t need to represent an organisation to be a Member or Pledged Supporter of Swansea City of Sanctuary. Individuals who volunteer with us can also become Members or Pledged Supporters. If you want to find out more contact us at [email protected].

You can also provide your resolution of support by filling in the SCoS Pledge Leaflet, and sending it to [email protected].



“We support the initiative to make Swansea into a recognised ‘City of Sanctuary’, welcoming those fleeing violence and persecution in their own countries. We recognise the contribution of refugees and those seeking sanctuary to the City of Swansea. We are committed to taking practical steps to welcome and include them in our activities and are actively seeking ways of  supporting them wherever we can. We are willing for our organisation’s name to be added to a list of supporters of City of Sanctuary. We are also willing to be contacted by the Swansea City of Sanctuary group with further ideas for how we can turn this pledge into practical action.”

Member or Pledged Supporter: 


Position in organisation:

Resolved at a meeting of:


Contact details so that we can keep in touch:

Please send your resolution to: [email protected]