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Wanted: your experience of welcome

We are working hard to enable Wales to become the first ever Nation of Sanctuary. To help us in doing this, please share your own experiences of welcome. We know that we still have lots to learn and we want to hear your real experiences- be they negative or positive. We want this to get as far as possible, so please do share this throughout your networks.

We would like to collect experiences of people from across Wales on how you or your community has welcomed and supported refugees and asylum seekers; or how you have been welcomed into a local community as a refugee or asylum seeker. We want to learn from your experience, to improve the welcome and support people receive in Wales. We want to find out what works well and what could work better. We want to capture experiences and help build connections to create a movement of people all working to make Wales a more welcoming nation. Your experience may be positive or negative.

Tell us your story it only takes a few minutes…