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We are part of the City of Sanctuary network, a national movement committed to building a culture of hospitality and welcome, especially for refugees seeking sanctuary from war and persecution.

In 2010, Swansea became the UK’s second official City of Sanctuary, and the very first in Wales, meeting all of the criteria set by the national City of Sanctuary network for this prestigious status. We are incredibly proud of this, and continue to support the work for Wales to become the first Nation of Sanctuary.

Swansea has offered a home to people who have lost their homes and families and we wish to celebrate the welcoming attitudes of Swansea people and organisations.

Our Management Committee invites all organisations, local groups and individuals to join us and help make Swansea proud to be a place of safety. Swansea City of Sanctuary support can include community centres, charities, social clubs, schools, local services and businesses, as well as refugee organisations and volunteers. Supporting organisations can pledge their support to welcome and include people seeking sanctuary in their activities.

“To hear or to read Swansea City of Sanctuary it feels like my next stop where I am going to or where I need to get off. It is like a place which, somehow, does not know me but waits for me and is ready to welcome me with many arms I do not know but which are ready to embrace me. Swansea City of Sanctuary is my final destination in my journey as a refugee or asylum seeker.”

– Management Committee Member and long-term volunteer

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